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Finanskrisen er en global systemkrise: Grip sjansen! Vi trenger en demokratisk, solidarisk og grønn økonomi!

Posted by Sjur Cappelen Papazian den mars 25, 2009

G20-lederne samles til toppmøte om finanskrisa i London. Finanskrisen er en global systemkrise. Verken norske eller internasjonale myndigheter har vist interesse for å angripe årsakene til krisen. Lørdag 28. mars går folk verden over ut i gatene, og krever en ny kurs. Finanstransaksjoner må skattlegges, bankvesenet må underlegges demokratisk kontroll. Vi trenger bærekraftige og stabile arbeidsplasser. Vi trenger en demokratisk, solidarisk og grønn økonomi. Møt opp og vis din støtte for en ny kurs!

Det er interessant for alle å delta i en slik demonstrasjon-markering ettersom militær og økonomi ofte har den samme bakgrunn. En solidarisk, demokratisk og grønn økonomi vil skape mindre krig enn dagens kapitalisme, som i utgangspunktet er rene satanistisk ettersom den tar til grunne at det eneste folk gjør er å tenke på og tilfredsstille sine ege behov, noe som fører til en jungelens lov hvor alle er i krig mot alle andre. En skjebnesvanger kurs med andre ord som trolig vil føre til døden for oss alle viss vi snart ikke klarer å bevege oss bort fra den. Takk!

Tilsluttet: Attac Norge, Changemaker, EL- og IT-forbundet, LO Oslo, Fagforbundet, Heismontørenes fagforening, Kvinnefronten, Miljøpartiet de Grønne, NTL Sentralforvaltningen, Oslo bygningsarbeiderforening, Oslo grafiske fagforening, Rød Ungdom.

Musikk og appeller. Blant annet: Kleiv Fiskvik (leder i LO Oslo). Emilie Ekeberg (leder i Attac Norge). Jan Helge Gulbrandsen (Fagforbundet). Stand-up komedie med Dag Sørås.


Capitalism: I Steel Your Money (ISYM)

Capitalism is a system based upon monetary inequality. Capitalism is legal-theft. Wealth is stolen from poor people via stupid trade. Monetary inequality is essential. Rich people are only rich because they take a bigger share of wealth. Rich people live affluent lives because they exploit poor people. Customers are overcharged and employees are underpaid. Nobody would be rich (or poor) if everyone had the same amount of money. Enslavement of unintelligent workers is a fundamental aspect of capitalism. Poverty and capitalism are inextricably interlinked. I STEAL YOUR MONEY is an honest business highlighting important truths to emancipate slaves.

FTP Movement

The FTP Movement is a machine and what makes the machine work is the belief in family ties, trust, loyalty, integrity, discipline and punctuality.

The FTP Movement is an innovative community whirlwind and recognized organizational conglomerate. A bright vivid picture of the changing of the guards, the Movement’s primary focus is to serve as an activator of the community. The FTP Movement is a strong advocate of building institutions and providing practical solutions for the people. We believe in putting theory into practice by implementing viable programs that actually benefit those who need them most.

The FTP Movement deals with a plethora of issues including (but not limited to); Education, hunger, homelessness, police brutality, political prisoners, health, youth development and gang intervention.

FTP is an acronym that means For The People, Feed The People, Fruition Through Persistence, Free The Prisoners or whatever else you can think of in any given situation.

Taking on the mantra “Elders for counsel, Youth for war”, FTP has a proven magnetic attraction amongst the youth. FTP has been able to maintain it’s stay along the vein of youth culture, because we keep our finger on the pulse. We are successful amongst the youth, because we are constantly surrounded by the youth. When we say youth we are generally speaking about people under 40. We seek advice from those who came before us, and we modernize our methods to organize more effectively.

Avaaz.org – Global Economic Rescue

To leaders at the G20 London Summit:

We call on you to agree a global rescue package that puts people first – to stimulate, regulate and fundamentally reform the global economy, and to invest in a sustainable green recovery.
















Capitalism: I Steel Your Money (ISYM)


FTP Movement


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